News Updates
Hi, if you have any new news on Keanu Reeves, the movie Matrix and/or it's sequels, etc.
I'd be happy to know. Just e-mail the information to me, thanks.
The Sequels
Keanu Reeves has signed to do two, count'em two, sequels to the special effects
epic "The Matrix". It was said that he was receiving $20 million for each movie, but
just earlier i heard that he is now going to receive either i think 10% or 30% on
whatever is made from both films. The producers promised to hire his band
Dogstar for the soundtrack. Laurence Fishburne and Carrie-Anne Moss will also be
continuing to star in the sequels. Shooting on the sequels starts soon in Australia,
and the second film will be released winter 2002.
-15/12/00: Keanu and the cast are currently undergoing martial arts trainning for
the sequels.
August 3rd/2000:
Matrix 2 script finished!
By Claudia Puig, USA TODAY
Keanu Reeves has the script for The Matrix 2 in hand, and he's giving it a
big thumbs up.
"It's fantastic," he says. "It has even more ambitions than the first one. My
character is more developed."
Reeves, whose career was kick-started by starring as Neo in the original, will
start training for the physically grueling role in November. Two sequels are
planned, the first for late 2002 and the second for summer 2003. They'll be
shot back-to-back starting in late March or early April.
The Matrix, which grossed $171.2 million last year, was lauded for its sci-fi
action scenes and unusual camera work.
Reeves says the stunts in Matrix 2 are even more elaborate. "There are a lot
of physical demands in it," he says. "It's more sophisticated in the action
sequences and fight sequences."
The brother team of Andy and Larry Wachowski, who also wrote and
directed the first film, now is studying digital cameras and "trying to achieve
certain camera perspectives," Reeves says.
The 35-year-old actor says The Matrix and its sequels are appealing because
they aim to "synthesize the action spectacle and give it an emotional context."
So much so, Reeves says, that "I never thought of it as an action picture. I
always thought of it as a drama."
August 3rd/2000:
Agent Smith Alive:
Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith) is reportedly going to be back in the matrix sequals.
Keanu and Carrie's New Film Releases
January 3rd/2001:
Keanu stars in The Gift
Keanu Reeves has a new film coming out soon which i'm planning to see. It's called
The Gift co-starring Hilary Swank, Greg Kinnear (Fargo), Katie Holmes, and Cate
Blanchett. It's supposed to be in the horror/mystery catagorie where Keanu plays
the husband of a wife which discover's she's psychic... is that how you spell it? Well,
sounds very interesting right. Well i think so, but thats not why i'm only seeing the
movie. Keanu is in it!
So why not go see it like i will. Remember it's going to be released in theaters this
January on the 19th.
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August 21st/2000:
The Watcher.....
Hi, todays news on the actor/musician Keanu Reeves is to tell or remind you that his newest disturbing, horrorfying film The Watcher
is going to be released soon in theaters on September 8th/2000. Make sure to check out the official website for more details. When you go you'll notice the terrifying background music
on the website that goes with the contents, it reminds me of the B movie "Holloween" or the scary game "Resident Evil". Ehhhhhhhhhhh (frightened noise), this movie is going to be great.
August 5th/2000:
Keanu Reeves in The Replacements!
Make sure to catch Keanu Reeves new movie The Replacements, coming out Friday August 11th.
I'm for sure going to see it.
Jet-Li and Michelle Yeoh Biz
January 26th/2001:
Michelle/Jet say "No" to the matrix:
It's been just said that Michelle Yeoh. Star of the wonderful film i saw earlier "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon".
Has just declined from starring in the Matrix sequels. She says that "She has "other" things to do, like produce
her own film called The Touch for the asian audience. Holy f#ck. Now who are they going to hire, hmmm. Not that i really
care for Michelle Yeoh. I still would have preferred Jet-Li to star in The Matrix 2, but's he not either because
he also has his own things to do, plus he didn't get his wanted amount of cash, boo woo.
Who are they going to hire? whooooo
January 8th/2001:
Michelle Yeoh "The Replacement:
As some of you real hardcore Matrix fans may already know.
Jet-Li has declined from starring in both Matrix 2 and 3 due
to him not getting his demanded or going rate pay. Jet-Li
now makes $9 million per film but he asked for $13 million
for this project. But they were only able to offer him $3
million, which is still a shit load for me. But to him, there
jipping his ass off 1 third of even his real pay. For Jet-Li, it's
all for the money. Crap! I bet they could have made
something up where he gets paid more at the end of the
project. Check my own comic strip on it.
Well, Michelle Yeoh (star of Crouching Tiger, Hidden
Dragon) has now been afforded the role to replace Jet's
character probably getting Jet's rejected payment. For sure
we now know that the chracter must have martial arts talent
that's obivously going to be showen off in the film. What
role? I don't know and neither should you! We'll all see it
onfold in Winter 2002 when it's released.
Jet-Li, a no show! :
There was talk about Jet Li (star of Romeo Must Die) starring in the upcoming
sequels to The Matrix. But just lately it was comfirmed that a part was offered to him
for both sequels which he sadly... sadly....ohhh so sadly turned... down. Now what
the f$%k was he thinking, this could have been a movie which could have made him
even a larger star and be adord by even more fans. He would have had the chance
to fully show off his real martial art talents in the film! But... why? How could he?
Why he did this, i have no idea. You'll have to find out that on your own somewhere
on the net.
A special so called thanks to my friend Pojz which had to inform me about this tragic
information. Bye oo (^o^)
Jet Li in the sequels:
There's also been talk about Jet Li (star of Romeo Must Die) starring in the upcoming sequels to
The Matrix. But there are some things they have to fix if he's coming on. The movies budget and finding
a part for him for example.
Original Matrix
Fight Scenes-the effect:
Those action packed fighting scenes in the movie "Matrix" were awesome. I was
actually jumping back and forth, left and right in my seat as I watched Keanu (Neo)
fight Laurence (Morpheus) in that dojo. I hope that Hong-Kong action movie master
Yuen Wo-ping will train Keanu Reeves and the cast again. He would be able to show
them how to do all those "KickAss" moves in the follow-up's to the movie. Yuen
Wo-ping trained Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Laurence Fishburne for
months before shooting the 1st Matrix.
The Plot:
Matrix is a movie about a computer hacker named Thomus Anderson (a,k,a Neo)
played by Keanu Reeves, which finds out that the world he lives in is nothing more
than a computer generated (digital) world made to keep all of humanity in control
so that in the real world, robots that have A,I can use'em as a form of energy to
stay alive. Neo then is told by rebal leader Morpheus played by Laurence Fishburne,
that he's the one to save all mankind from it. This movie is only the beginning for
one of the best sequels ever i think.
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