Who would you rather have star in the Matrix sequels?
Michelle Yeoh [11 votes] (40%)
Jet-Li [16 votes] (59%) Winner
27 Total votes
Added Comments:
1#ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh keanu reeves is soooooooooooooo hottttt!
If Neo (Keanu Reeves) fought Young Obi-Wan
Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), who would win?
Neo [49 votes] (83%) Winner
Obi-Wan Kenobi [6 votes] (10%)
Draw [4 votes] (6%)
59 Total votes
Added Comments:
1#this is quire....what kind of a question is that... It all depends where the fight starts, if it took place in the matrix, well then
hmmm, It be neo for sure, but Tomas Anderson is weakass outside the matrix, then it be Obi-Wan with his light sabre
duhhhh fuck....
2#it would be an awsome battle of techno and mind both combinde in thought and control of technology, both charictor from
different dimentions, this would truly be a fight to see!
3#well the special effects have gotten better plus if Neo (Keanu) can dodge bullets he can dodge a lightsaber, oh yeh, when
the time comes he won't have to...remember Ke was only about 10 years old when starwars was out, but I bet he thought
of being Luke..
Girls only! Who would
you rather have a
relationship with?
Dane -creator of this site,
me [5 votes] (19%)
Keanu -actor, plays Neo
[21 votes] (80%) Winner
26 Total votes
Have you seen The
Watcher yet?
[13 votes] (52%) Winner
No, but planning to
[6 votes] (24%)
No, not planning to
[6 votes] (24%)
25 Total votes
What did you
like most
about The
The Fight
Scenes, whoa
[0 votes] (0%)
The movies
plot [7 votes] (25%)
Keanu Reeves
[8 votes] (28%)
Moss [2 votes] (7%)
[11 votes] (39%) Winner
28 Total votes
What would
you like
Reeves hair
style to be
like in The
Matrix 2/3?
The same as part one
of Matrix [14 votes] (63%) Winner
Long hair like in The
Watcher [2 votes] (9%)
Shaved head like in
Speed, eck [6 votes] (27%)
22 Total votes
Wouldn't it be a most excellent
fight if Keanu Reeves and Jet Li
fought each other in Matrix 2/3?
Most Excellent! [14 votes] (82%) Winner
Cool [3 votes] (17%)
I don't care [0 votes] (0%)
17 total votes
What would you
rather see Jet-Li
be in the Matrix
Agent [9 votes] (47%) Winner
Human working
for AI [2 votes] (10%)
Rebel [8 votes] (42%)
19 Total votes
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